So, you’ve noticed something’s off. The spark that used to light up your relationship like New Year’s fireworks seems to have fizzled out. Before you go on a wild goose chase of figuring it all out, let’s decode some subtle signs that might point to your man being… well, over it.

Once upon a time, he was like a stand-up comedian just for you, effortlessly brightening your day with jokes and laughter. Now? Crickets. If he’s not putting in that effort to see you smile, it’s a red flag, my dear. Here are some more tell-tale signs that your charm might be wearing thin on him. Buckle up, because this ride might get bumpy.

1. He is Annoyed by Your Touch

Remember when his hugs felt like home and his kisses were enough to cure a bad day? If those moments are now rarer than a blue moon and if your touch seems to annoy him more than a Monday morning meeting, there might be trouble in paradise.

2. Your Bad Habits, On the Other Hand, Don’t Annoy Him

This might sound counterintuitive, but if your bad habits suddenly don’t bother him anymore, it might mean he’s mentally checked out. It’s as if he has one foot out the door, so why bother complaining?

3. He Has Allowed Himself to Humiliate You Publicly

Ah, public humiliation. Nothing like an unkind remark in front of friends or family to make you feel like the smallest ant at the picnic. If he’s dishing out the zingers without a second thought, that’s a neon sign that he’s done.

4. Your Phone Is Silent

Your phone used to light up with his name all the time, but lately? Nada. Ghost town. If his calls and texts have dwindled to a trickle, it’s a sign he’s losing interest.

5. He Doesn’t Want to Make Plans for the Future

Planning for the future together used to be exciting. Now, it’s like pulling teeth to get him to commit to plans for next weekend, let alone the next year. If he’s dodging future-talk like it’s a game of dodgeball, something’s up.

6. He Makes a Speech That He Needs More “Freedom”

This speech is a classic. Suddenly, he needs more ‘me-time’ and less ‘we-time’. It might sound like he just needs some space, but often, it’s a slow fade out of the relationship.

7. Everything About You Irritates Him

Can’t do anything right? From the way you chew your food to how you laugh—suddenly, everything seems to irritate him. That’s not just a bad mood; it’s a bad sign.

8. He Doesn’t Keep Promises

If he’s constantly forgetting or failing to follow through on promises, it’s a pretty clear sign that you’re not a priority anymore. Actions speak louder than words, after all.

9. He Doesn’t Look for an Opportunity to Make Your Life Easier

When a man cares, he naturally wants to help lighten your load. If he’s sitting back and watching you struggle without batting an eyelash, love might have left the building.

10. He Hides His Emotions and Feelings

An emotional connection is vital in any relationship. If he’s keeping his feelings under lock and key, it could be his way of creating distance.

11. He Is Not Attracted to You

Last but definitely not least: physical attraction. If the chemistry has flatlined and there’s no effort to rekindle it, then the odds of a happy ending are pretty slim.

Sometimes, it’s not just what he says, but what he doesn’t say (or do) that gives you the full picture. Keep your eyes and heart open, and remember, you deserve someone who makes every effort to be with you, not someone who’s looking for the first exit.