Hello, my name is Sarah, and guess what? I really don’t want kids. Shocking? Maybe. But as I edge closer to the age where many of my friends are googly-eyed over babies, I’m sitting here more interested in brunch plans than baby names. Parenthood? Not part of my script, and that’s totally OK!

According to wise therapists (whom I’m inclined to agree with), saying ‘no’ to children is perfectly normal. You do you, honey. Rachel Zar, AMFT, a relationship and sex therapist, puts it aptly: ‘If your gut is screaming ‘no’ even when society is chanting ‘yes,’ do yourself a favor and listen.’ Honest conversations with yourself and loved ones are the ticket to living your authentic life.

1. The thought of turning your life upside down for someone else isn’t thrilling Nicole Richardson, LPC, wisely notes, ‘If having your life turned upside down for another person does not feel worth it, [parenthood] may not be for you.’ If you’re living your best life with a thriving career and relationships, and the thought of shaking things up for a baby makes you break out in hives, that’s a sign. Kids aren’t in your equation, and that’s alright.

2. Other priorities rule your world Got big dreams of globe-trotting, carving out a killer career, or simply enjoying life with your partner? Liz Higgins, MS, LMFT, encourages you to embrace those priorities: ‘If you experience a pull to focus your life energy in other ways…know that it’s OK.’ Trust yourself, and don’t let the judgments of others sway you. Your life, your rules.

3. Fulfillment isn’t defined by parenthood Higgins also points out, ‘If you know in your heart of hearts that you don’t need children in order to feel fulfilled in life…don’t succumb to pressure from friends or family.’ Fulfillment comes in many forms: career achievements, traveling, investing in a partner, or pursuing passions. No one knows you better than you, so own your truth.

So, dear reader, whether you’re team parenthood or happily child-free, remember that your worth isn’t determined by your decision. I find my joy in writing; maybe for you, it’s your career, your travels, or your partner. There’s no rush, no wrong turn—just trust your gut and live your best life!