Luke was a six-year-old boy who gave his mother, Amy, the shock of her life when he claimed he had found his twin at school.

For many years, Amy enjoyed an idyllic life with her husband, Jeff, and cheerful son, Luke. They had a great time as a family, filled with laughter and love.

One afternoon, Luke came home from school, eager to talk about his day. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he started, “Mom…”

“What did we say about swearing?” Amy interrupted before he could continue.

Completely ignoring her, Luke pressed on, “I swear, Mom, Luna is my twin sister!”

Amy was understandably baffled. “Luke, you’re an only child, honey,” she reminded him.

“No, Mom! I’m serious. Luna and I share the same birthday, and we even look alike! The teachers at school think we’re twins too!”

As Amy continued cooking, Luke went on and on about Luna—what she liked to do, what she wore, and her favorite foods. It was like he had found his long-lost sibling.

“Mom, she’s awesome! You’re going to love her!” he exclaimed with conviction.

Given that Jeff wasn’t home yet, Amy assumed Luna was simply a close friend Luke had made at school.

“Do you have a photo of Luna?” she asked, piqued by curiosity.

Energetic as ever, Luke dashed to his bedroom and returned with the class photo. He pointed out Luna, and Amy, who had seen the picture many times before, realized she’d never noticed this girl’s resemblance to her son.

The similarities between Luke and Luna were striking, so much so that even Amy’s mother-in-law found it confusing.

“Why don’t we invite Luna over?” Amy suggested. “If her mom agrees, you two can have a playdate.”

“Do you think she’ll really come?” he asked, his eyes wide with hope.

“I’ll speak to her mom tomorrow when I drop you off at school,” Amy assured him.

That evening, when Jeff came home, he was too exhausted for much conversation. He went straight to bed after dinner, leaving Amy to wrestle with her thoughts through the night.

The next morning, Amy met Luna’s mother, Penelope, after dropping Luke at school. They had a quick chat and arranged a playdate, much to the children’s delight.

“Luna talks about Luke all the time,” Penelope shared. “This playdate will be perfect for them.”

The day of the playdate arrived, and as expected, Jeff was puzzled by the freshly baked cookies. “What’s going on? Are we having guests?” he asked.

Amy, keeping her suspicions to herself, nodded. “Yes, just some friends,” she replied, anxious but excited.

When the doorbell finally rang, Luke enthusiastically opened the door. Luna didn’t waste a second and immediately rushed toward Jeff. The color drained from his face as he looked at Luna and then at Penelope standing in the doorway.

“Daddy!” Luna shrieked, confirming Luke’s earlier proclamation, “I told you she was my sister!” Luke chimed in a matter of fact. Penelope stood there, dumbstruck by the unfolding scene.