When it comes to sex, it’s so easy to get caught up in what’s “normal” or what’s “supposed” to happen, whether it’s how often you should do it or how long it should last. And while there is no right answer to these aspects of someone’s sex life and it will always vary among individuals, it turns out that sex duration may also differ from country to country. At least according to Adult dating site Saucy Dates’ latest survey of 3,836 heterosexual people aged 18 to 50.

Before we dive into the juicy details, let’s address some big expectations surrounding sex. The study, which emphasized intercourse, reveals that men and women alike generally want a bit more than a quickie. Globally, when women were asked, “How long would you like sex to last?”, the average answer was 25 minutes and 51 seconds. Men, on the other hand, provided an answer close to this at 25 minutes and 43 seconds. However, surprise, surprise—reality doesn’t quite measure up to these numbers. Responses for actual duration varied wildly, with some saying it lasted less than a minute and others claiming up to an hour.

This really makes you wonder, is there even a “right” length of time for sex? The truth is, your sex life is uniquely yours, and there is no “normal” in how long sex should last. Whether you like it short and sweet or prefer marathon sessions, the magic number is whatever works for you, be it intercourse, outercourse, or something entirely different.

“We know that there are numerous health and relationship benefits to sex. Deciding how much is ‘adequate’ by comparing to others often does more harm than good,” says Rachel Needle, Psy.D., a licensed psychologist and certified sex therapist. “Rather than focusing on what’s normal, enjoy the sex you are having, assess your satisfaction, and communicate your desires and needs with your partner.”

Dr. Michael Krychman, an OB/GYN and sexual medicine gynecologist, chimes in, “There is no right or wrong frequency or duration of sexual encounters. Couples adapt to a satisfying frequency that aligns with their current life circumstances. For instance, the arrival of a new baby or stress from work can lower frequency. What’s important is that couples find their rhythm through communication and adjustment.”

All that said, it’s still fascinating to snoop a little into the bedroom antics of people around the world. Here’s what Saucy Dates uncovered in their survey, and which countries came out on top in terms of duration. For your information, they found that the global average duration of sex is approximately 15 minutes and 10 seconds.

1. United States

The United States leads the pack with a duration of 17 minutes and five seconds. Americans show significant staying power well above the international average across most age ranges.

2. Canada

Coming in at a close second, Canadians clock in at 17 minutes flat. They’re found to outperform everyone else until the age of 28.

3. United Kingdom

In the UK, folks are at their peak in their early 30s, with a duration of 16 minutes and 58 seconds. By age 20, they are considered only “average”, but maturity brings improvement.

4. Australia

Australians consistently come out above the international average, especially notable from age 45 and above, with sessions lasting 16 minutes and 34 seconds.

5. India

Participants in India report durations below the international average across all age ranges surveyed, coming in at 15 minutes and 15 seconds. Nonetheless, by age 50, they are catching up.

The “winning” age for duration? Generally, the 30s take the trophy, although these things vary from case to case. After all, passion doesn’t have an expiration date.

Peter Minns, Founder of Saucy Dates, summed it up well: “We initially conducted this study to see if men exaggerated their bedroom performance, but surprisingly found that men’s and women’s timings matched closely. It was also fascinating to observe that both genders had similar expectations, and the variation with age gives younger generations something to look forward to!”

Sex Is Different For Everyone

It’s crucial to remember: longer sex doesn’t always mean better sex. Everyone’s definition of sex varies as much as their preference for its duration. “When it comes to duration, how are you defining sex?” Dr. Needle asks. “Are you including kissing, touching, manual stimulation, oral, and other forms of physical touch? What matters most is that you and your partner are satisfied. If not, communicate openly about it. If making desired changes is difficult, consider consulting a therapist specializing in sexuality.”

Dr. Krychman adds that sexual frequency and duration need to be aligned between partners. “A mismatch in sexual desire is common but manageable through compromise, communication, and sometimes a good sense of humor.” Whether you enjoy quickies or long, sensual sessions, there’s no right or wrong way to enjoy sex—as long as it suits you and your partner.

So there you have it, the lowdown on global sex duration. Remember, there’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to how long sex should last. Whether it’s a quickie or an all-night affair, the key is that both you and your partner are happy and satisfied. After all, in matters of the heart and body, everybody wins.