A 31-year-old Danish lady, who is clearly challenging conventional ideas of beauty, refuses to shave her mustache and doesn’t fret over her unibrow. Meet Eldina Jaganjac, a teacher from Copenhagen who has thrown society’s, and particularly men’s, beauty expectations out the window.

Eldina made the bold decision in March 2020 to let her facial hair flourish, embracing her natural look at the age of 31. Despite the typical beauty norms that push women to be smooth and hair-free, she found a certain freedom in loving herself just as she is. Naturally, this didn’t sit well with everyone. Men had the audacity to say things like she had a “third head” peering out at them. But for Eldina, her facial hair acts as a fantastic filter, keeping away people she’d rather not deal with.

Eldina firmly believes that her unibrow and mustache ward off “conservative” suitors, helping her attract men who appreciate her for who she is, not just how she looks.

She shared, “I used to think that women only had a few options when it came to how they should look. Before I embraced my unibrow, I was always obsessed with making sure my eyebrows were perfectly trimmed. No one bats an eye if a man skips shaving his beard. It’s just considered normal.”

Eldina elaborated, “I used to be so strict with myself, just like many other women. I wouldn’t leave the house if my brows weren’t neatly shaped, and I’d steer clear of the gym if my legs weren’t perfectly waxed.”

But that’s all changed now. “These days, I’ve decided to focus on my duties and goals and less on my appearance. I’m not going to lose sleep over it, and even if I did, I just wouldn’t care,” she said matter-of-factly.

According to Eldina, it didn’t feel right at first. “But if people don’t have anything better to do than yell at strangers, then that’s their problem,” she stated with a dose of well-deserved sass.