Flying isn’t exactly on everyone’s bucket list of favorite experiences. For some folks, it’s akin to enduring a root canal without anesthesia. So, many travelers take extra measures to ensure they can survive the ordeal in as much comfort as humanly possible. But let’s be real, not everyone considers the same creature comforts.

One savvy traveler knew precisely what she needed when roaming the friendly skies and did what she had to do. However, there were others who didn’t quite see eye-to-eye with her strategic planning…

This woman found herself in one heck of a pickle—both physically and emotionally. She was straddling the fine line between personal comfort and societal niceties. It was decision time: to be altruistic or to protect her space bubble.

Our heroine was off on a cross-country adventure to spend Christmas with her family. Knowing her own needs, she always books an extra seat for a bit of elbow room. Yes, she pays extra to guarantee a comfy flight. Smart, right?

Everything was going swimmingly—check-in was a breeze, security was a walk in the park, and boarding was a piece of cake. It wasn’t until she settled into her seat that the real fun began. A woman with her 18-month-old in tow plopped down next to her. Noticing there was an open seat, this mother figured she struck gold and asked our savvy traveler if she could budge up to make room for her toddler.

But our well-prepared traveler had paid good money for both seats and wasn’t about to become a human accordion. She respectfully declined.

The mini-drama began attracting curious eyes, and soon a flight attendant swooped in to play peacemaker. Upon hearing the situation, the flight attendant requested our traveler make room for the baby. But again, she politely stood her ground—those were her seats, after all, paid in full.

Thankfully, the flight attendant saw reason and instructed the mother to utilize her lap as a makeshift seating arrangement, as is the norm for kids that age. Cue the passive-aggressive stares and grumbles from the mother for the rest of the flight.

Afterward, our traveler began doubting herself. Had she been unnecessarily unyielding? Should she have given up her precious extra seat? Seeking wisdom from the collective conscience, she took to Reddit to air her conundrum.

A like-minded mom chimed in, “I’ve taken 9-hour flights with an infant in my arms and shorter flights with a toddler on my lap. Did it suck? Absolutely. But it was my problem alone. I chose to hold him since I didn’t want to shell out for an extra seat. Pro tip: Not all parents are so entitled!”

Another commenter didn’t mince words: “That mom should have bought a ticket for her son instead of assuming someone else would surrender their seat. She likely gambled on the flight having extra seats and called it a loophole.”

One outraged Redditor even suggested legal action: “I’d go as far as lodging a complaint against the flight attendant for encouraging harassment.”

And another user weighed in, “Everyone deserves to be comfortable and not ashamed of their body, even if they have health challenges. The mom should’ve bought an extra seat for her child. Entitlement isn’t cute.”

Of course, some people could empathize with the mother’s plight—wanting a smooth flight—who wouldn’t? But if comfort was her goal, she should’ve snagged a seat for her tot beforehand.

So, what’s your take? Was our traveler right to keep her space, or should she have caved? Let us know in the comments! Share this with your friends so they can toss their hats into the ring too.