Ever thought of adorning your luggage with ribbons and trinkets to make it stand out at the baggage carousel? Well, a baggage handler has a word of warning for you!

We all love the idea of making our suitcase uniquely identifiable. After all, who wants to end up with someone else’s luggage and a suitcase full of unexpected surprises? Many of us tie colorful ribbons, attach trinkets, and stick on bright labels, thinking it will help. But according to a seasoned baggage handler at Dublin Airport, this could backfire spectacularly.

Let’s face it, there’s nothing more frustrating than trying to assemble a vacation outfit from the limited options at a hotel gift shop. That alone justifies why travelers get creative with personalizing their luggage. Some go as far as strapping a GoPro to their bags—trust issues, anyone?

While decorating your suitcase might seem like a good idea, it could actually cause significant delays and other issues. Imagine having your dream vacation derailed because your bag doesn’t make it onto the plane!

Why You Should Skip the Ribbon

John, a baggage handler at Dublin Airport, explains, “Ribbons people tie onto their suitcases to help identify them can cause issues with the bag being scanned in the baggage hall.” Now, that’s something most people wouldn’t think about while tying on that vibrant ribbon.

If the scanner can’t automatically process your bedazzled suitcase, it gets pushed to manual processing. And manual processing? Well, that’s where things can get tricky. Suddenly, your bag might miss the flight, leaving you with little more than empty hands and a desperate search for new clothes.

“Take old stickers off the bag, it can cause confusion with the scanning process,” John advises. So, the next time you’re about to tie on that bright ribbon or slap on yet another sticker, think again.

Smart Tips for Stress-Free Luggage Handling

John shares some pro tips to avoid luggage mishaps and make your travel experience as smooth as possible. Firstly, always place your suitcase wheels facing up to prevent damage. This might seem minor, but every detail counts in baggage handling!

The Marzipan Dilemma

Now, here’s a curious tidbit—never pack marzipan in your luggage. Bakers, brace yourselves. The delicious paste made from ground almonds, sugar, and egg has the same density as some explosives. Yes, you read that right. Because of this, your luggage might be pulled for an extensive search, which no one wants right before a family holiday.

Avoid the hassle: leave the ribbons and baking supplies at home. There’s nothing worse than missing your flight over a bit of marzipan. Keep your suitcase simple, avoid unnecessary ribbons and stickers, and you’ll be set for a smoother travel experience.

In conclusion, while it’s tempting to personalize your luggage for easy identification, it’s best to resist. Stick with simple and hassle-free methods to ensure your beloved suitcase makes it to your destination right along with you. Happy travels!