Weddings — aren’t they just the epitome of joy and celebration? Until, of course, they become a battleground of guest lists and emotional roller coasters. Picture this: My dear sister, Emily, is tying the knot soon. A moment that’s supposed to bring us closer had, instead, put a wedge between us. Let me tell you why.

Emily and I were always like two peas in a pod. That was until a certain someone named Chris entered the equation. Chris was my partner for five years, but our story ended dramatically three months ago — thanks to his My Big Fat Greek Life move overseas for a job. And let’s just say, I’m no fan of long-distance love stories.

Here’s the kicker: Emily and Chris got along like Batman and Robin (if Robin didn’t break Batman’s heart, that is). But, I never imagined she’d prioritize him over me, her very own sister!

Yesterday, Emily dropped a bombshell. Casually, over our phone call, she revealed Chris was invited to the wedding. Not just as a guest, mind you, but as a groomsman — cue the dramatic music. To add insult to injury, she said I was persona non grata. The audacity! Her logic? The ‘limited guest list’. She feared my presence would throw a wrench in her perfect wedding day gears.

Now, here comes the shocking twist. Being the generous sister I am, I’d planned to fund half of her wedding expenses as my gift. We’re from a modest background, and that contribution meant a lot. But, after her betrayal, I told her to handle the expenses herself if she values my ex over me. Emily didn’t take that well. She accused me of being selfish and accused me of ruining her big day and pulling emotional strings to manipulate her.

Our family? Oh, they’re now the peanut gallery in this grand soap opera. Some are on Team Justified, agreeing I have every right to feel hurt. The others are on Team Harsh, saying I’m letting a breakup overshadow her happiness.

So, there we have it. Am I the villain in Emily’s fairytale wedding? Or just a sister standing up for herself? The jury’s still out on that one.