Alright ladies, let’s spill the tea. We’ve all had that gut-wrenching moment when we just know something’s up with our man. Whether he’s acting shadier than normal or just giving off weird vibes, there are telltale signs that he might be wanting to make an exit from the relationship. Keep those eyes and ears open, and let’s dive into the six ways he might be showing you he’s ready to call it quits.

1. You always feel a bit of tension when you are together

Your Spidey senses are tingling, aren’t they? If you always feel a little bit of tension when you’re around him, trust your instinct. Something isn’t quite right. Conversations are stilted, those loving gestures have vanished, and you’re not as comfortable as you used to be.

Maybe it’s just a rough patch or personal issues he’s dealing with. Give it some time, but if the discomfort lingers longer than a Monday morning hangover, it’s a glaring sign the compatibility may have taken a hit.

2. He is being extra deceitful with you

Got a sneaky suspicion he’s hiding something? You may not be wrong. If he’s acting all cloak-and-dagger with his gadgets or changing passwords more often than his socks, it’s a red flag. He might even lie about small things and avoid eye contact like he’s afraid you might read his mind.

Ask yourself: lie about Saturday’s plans? Check. Mysterious phone activity? Check. Hiding locations? Check. It’s not just paranoia; your intuition is signaling that something’s definitely fishy.

3. His communication is less and less

Let’s talk communication—or the lack thereof. If he’s more engrossed in his phone than in you, or always chatting with others in social settings like you’re not even there, you’ve got a problem. Rapid exits or cut-off conversations? Another sign.

You’ll also notice it in his body language. Is he almost always turned away from you? Or perhaps eye contact is rare? Maybe he’d rather text than hop on a call. These are all clear signs he’s mentally checking out.

4. He is no longer so sweet and romantic

Remember those golden days when he showered you with compliments and sweet nothings? If that’s history now and you’re struggling to get even a simple conversation, it’s a major red flag. Has he stopped using cute pet names? Failed to say “I love you” lately?

If you aren’t a priority for key events and celebrations anymore, and he doesn’t seem bothered with your problems, it’s clear as day that his affection is dwindling like a wilting flower. Less physical affection is another nail in the coffin—no more hand-holding or spontaneous hugs.

5. Makes no effort to resolve conflicts

When he argues with you, does he show little to no interest in finding a resolution? If he’s unaware of even putting in an ounce of effort to sustain the relationship, you’re practically on your own. Ask yourself the tough question: Is this relationship surviving on your efforts alone?

If you feel like you’re carrying the weight of the relationship and trying to solve problems single-handedly, it’s time for some serious self-reflection. What’s more important: them or your sanity?

6. He is not really interested in your life

This one stings. Does he ask you less about your daily life or even dismiss your concerns about work and other struggles? It’s painful when someone who used to care deeply no longer pays attention.

Misses important dates? Check. Ignores your life updates? Check. When it feels like he’s already mentally checked out, it’s a definite sign your relationship is on life support.

It’s tough to accept, but recognizing these signs can save you a lot of heartache. Listen to your intuition and keep an eye on his actions—they often speak louder than words!