Family can be a tremendous source of support during tough times, such as coping with the loss of a loved one. But when money comes into the picture, some relatives might reveal their true intentions, eager to get a share. This was exactly what happened to a woman who shared her experience on Reddit.

Here’s the story: “I recently received a substantial inheritance from my late mother. I decided to keep the money in a separate account because I’m not yet sure how I want to use it and I don’t want it to be wasted.

I noticed my husband kept bringing up the inheritance and suggesting various ways to spend it. Additionally, for the past few weeks, he expected me to cover almost all our expenses.

Recently, my husband and I met up with his family at a restaurant to celebrate a holiday. Everything was fine until I realized they expected me to foot the bill for everyone. My mother-in-law even joked about paying for our dinner from my ‘inheritance pocket,’ which made me quite angry, but I didn’t react right away. Instead, I quietly paid for my own meal and drinks, then left the restaurant. They were loudly calling me as I left, and my husband tried to get me to come back, but I went straight home.

He returned home at 3 a.m., furious and accusing me of being petty for leaving him and his family behind when they were counting on me to pay for their meal, assuming I’d be generous. He said I embarrassed him and his family, accusing me of taking revenge for not being able to help his mother when she was ill. To be clear, that’s not true.

He’s still angry and claims that I caused a rift between his family and myself by refusing to pay for the dinner, saying it wouldn’t have hurt me to cover their celebratory meal.”