“The views expressed by Mr. Dreyfuss do not reflect the values of inclusivity and respect that we uphold as an organization,” the venue said in a statement

On Saturday, May 25, Dreyfuss spoke at The Cabot theater in Beverly, Massachusetts, at an event billed as “An Evening with Richard Dreyfuss + Jaws Screening.

A recent Jaws screening and Q&A with actor Richard Dreyfuss took an unexpected turn when the 76-year-old allegedly made sexist and transphobic comments. The event, titled “An Evening with Richard Dreyfuss + Jaws Screening,” was held at The Cabot theater in Beverly, Massachusetts.

Attendees were eager to hear behind-the-scenes stories from the iconic film, but instead, they were subjected to the actor’s controversial views on topics such as trans youth and the inclusivity rules of the Academy Awards. According to social media posts, the comments began during Dreyfuss’s discussion of Barbra Streisand and escalated from there.

Shocked and offended, many audience members and social media users expressed their outrage. One person commented on The Cabot’s Facebook page, stating, “We walked out of his interview tonight along with hundreds of others because of his racist, homophobic, misogynistic rant.”

In response to the controversy, The Cabot issued a statement, expressing their regret and apologizing to the attendees. The venue made it clear that Dreyfuss’s views did not align with their values of inclusivity and respect. They acknowledged the discomfort caused and promised to learn from the incident to better serve their community.

This is not the first time Dreyfuss’s comments have sparked criticism. In a 2023 appearance on the PBS series Firing Line with Margaret Hoover, he expressed his disdain for the Academy’s diversity and inclusion requirements for the Oscars. Dreyfuss called the requirements “patronizing” and voiced his belief that artists should not be compelled to conform to changing moral standards.

Controversies like these remind us of the importance of promoting inclusivity and respecting diverse perspectives. While artists have the right to express their opinions, it is crucial to foster a safe and inclusive environment that encourages open dialogue and understanding.