I truly don’t mind snakes. They’re gentle, shy, and prefer to keep to themselves. However, it’s not always that pleasant when you’re gardening or hanging out on your back deck and a snake slithers by your feet. If you’re not a fan of snakes, there’s no need to worry. There are several ways to keep snakes away from your yard without having to resort to harsh chemicals or cruel methods. Here they are!

1. Cut Off Their Food Supply

Snakes are attracted to a variety of things. They eat mice and rats, but they also consume discarded birdseed and fallen fruit. If you have a compost bin, ensure it’s completely sealed. If you have bird feeders in your yard, try to keep them at the perimeter and as far away from your home as possible.

2. Plant Lemongrass

One very simple way to deter snakes is by planting lemongrass in your garden. Snakes dislike the citrusy smell, and as a bonus, it also repels mosquitoes!

3. Citrus Solution

Speaking of citrus, you can use lemon or orange rinds. Put some rinds and pieces in a jar of water and let it sit for 24 hours. Then, spray this solution onto your patio furniture and around your deck or porch stairs to keep snakes at bay.

4. Maintain Your Yard

Weeds, piles of sticks, and other debris lying around the yard make for perfect snake hiding spots. Keeping your yard tidy and well-maintained can make it less attractive to snakes.

5. Seal Off Your Home

You certainly don’t want snakes in your yard, and even more so, not in your home. Make sure any cracks in your foundation and around doors and windows are sealed off. Also ensure there are no holes in any window screens.

6. DIY Snake Repellent

Chemical-based snake repellents can be harmful to your pets, family, and plants. Instead, you can create a DIY all-natural snake repellent using equal parts cinnamon oil and clove oil. Spray this solution along your home’s perimeter, deck, and any other places where you suspect snakes might be hiding.

7. Mothballs

Mothballs can deter not just insects but snakes too. Place mothballs around your home’s foundation and back porch. However, keep in mind that mothballs can be extremely poisonous to children and pets, so ensure they are out of reach.

8. Relocate Them

If all else fails, you can use humane snake traps and place them around your yard. When you trap a snake, release it in a wooded area away from your home.