If you believe that Hollywood celebrities are way different than we are, touching stories like this one remind us that they are just ordinary people like us who experience pain and go through things.

In her latest interview with Dr. Phill, Academy Award winner Kathy Bates opens up about her illness and the struggles she faced, while keeping them away from public scrutiny.

Out of the blue, life gave her the toughest role she ever had to play, that of a real life fighter and a warrior who had to battle cancer for the second time.

Back in 2012, she gathered her strength and told US Weekly, “It’s no secret that I am an ovarian cancer survivor, nine years and counting. But few know that several weeks ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer.” She described the experience, saying, “You think American Horror Story is scary? You should have been in that room with me.”

Her initial fight began in 2003 when she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Bates underwent multiple painful surgeries and nine months of chemotherapy, all while keeping her condition private. She told PEOPLE, “I didn’t tell anybody. I continued to work right after the operation, doing Little Black Book with Brittany Murphy. My agent at the time was very old-school and didn’t want me to be the poster child for ovarian cancer. I didn’t want anyone to know, but it really took a lot out of me.”

Her resilience helped her become cancer-free until the day her doctor informed her that the cancer was back. The thought of undergoing the same torment was daunting.

She was less shocked when diagnosed with breast cancer given its prevalence in her family. After sharing this news with her followers, she underwent a double mastectomy to prevent further spread.

This time, she chose to transform her personal tragedy into an inspiring message for others. Despite the challenges, Bates maintained her vibrant personality, humorously remarking, “I don’t miss my breasts as much as I miss Harry’s Law,” and thanking fans for their unwavering support.

She faced the sour green tomatoes life served her, and turned it into a dish of Fried Green Tomatoes, providing hope and inspiration to many.

Currently, Kathy Bates is cancer-free, but lives with lymphedema, an incurable condition affecting about 30 percent of breast cancer survivors, resulting from lymph node removal. This leads to pain and swelling, significantly impacting her comfort.

“It’s a souvenir you definitely don’t want. I really felt that life was over for me. I would probably never work again, and I was angry for a long time,” she admitted.

“I’m grateful my hardships have given me a purpose. Funny how that happens,” Bates reflected.