A terminally ill man has passionately advised the public to prioritize their health following his own grievous oversight.

Liam Griffiths finds himself rapidly trying to fulfill his bucket list, haunted by the realization that his current life-threatening condition might have been preventable had he not ignored crucial health warnings.

Now aged 31, Liam reflects on his life with a heavy heart, calling himself a ‘shadow’ of his former vibrant self. He was well known for his robust health and daily visits to the gym before his illness took a severe toll on his physical capabilities. “Physically, I’m fragile now, a mere shadow of who I once was,” Liam shares. He adds, “I was in peak condition, worked out daily, but now climbing the stairs is a struggle that leaves me gasping for air.”

Liam’s health began to decline with symptoms like stomach swelling, chronic constipation, cramps, and vomiting around March. Initially, he hesitated to seek medical attention, wary of the financial implications due to his self-employed status.

However, as his symptoms worsened, hospitalization became inevitable. Initially diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory bowel disease, the situation took a grim turn when further tests revealed he had peritoneal cancer. Despite undergoing chemotherapy and surgery aimed at eradicating the cancer, the treatments were unsuccessful, and Liam was given a terminal prognosis.

“The doctors avoided giving me a specific timeframe for my life expectancy; they encouraged me not to focus solely on the countdown but to live life,” Liam recounted. Determined to make the most of his time, Liam now focuses on creating meaningful memories with loved ones.

Liam has had to modify his bucket list considerably, ruling out physically demanding activities he once dreamt of, like completing Tough Mudder or skiing. Instead, he now focuses on less strenuous, yet emotionally rewarding experiences with his family and friends.

Liam is committed to using his story to encourage others to not make the same mistake of ignoring their health. “If my experience leads even a handful of people to take their symptoms seriously and consult a doctor, then sharing my pain and battle won’t be in vain,” he hopes.

With his chemotherapy no longer effective, Liam is now exploring alternative treatments and remains supported by friends and family, including a fundraising campaign for his medical expenses which has garnered significant support.

Pascale Harvie, from the fundraising platform, lauds Liam as an incredibly brave individual whose story emphasizes the critical importance of health awareness and timely medical intervention.