Are you someone who loves to travel and store food in the freezer? It’s essential to ensure that your food stays fresh and safe to eat, especially if there’s a power outage while you’re away. No one wants to come home to spoiled or expired food.

Luckily, there is a brilliant solution to this problem. A woman named Sheila Polanco Russell has come up with a simple yet ingenious method to ensure that our refrigerators operate at peak efficiency. All you need is a mug of water and a penny.

By following this easy trick, you can say goodbye to any concerns about eating expired or ruined vegetables from the freezer. Let me explain how it works.

When the power goes out, the water in the mug will freeze along with the food in the freezer. However, when the electricity is restored, the penny will have moved to a new location on top of the ice. This movement indicates that the food in the freezer is still fresh and safe to consume.

This helpful trick can be a real lifesaver, especially for those who often leave food in the freezer while traveling or away from home. With this knowledge, you can rest assured that you will always have access to fresh and healthful meals when you return home from your travels.

Sheila shared this fantastic idea on Facebook, and it received a massive response from people who found it incredibly helpful. Thousands of people reacted and shared the post, praising the experiment’s simplicity and ease of execution.

The experiment doesn’t stop here. You can also use a cup of water and a quarter to assess food deterioration during extended holidays or when you’re away for a few days. Just like with the penny, if the quarter drops to the bottom of the cup, it means the food has defrosted entirely and should be discarded. If the quarter is towards the top or middle of the cup, the food may still be safe to eat.

By implementing these simple tips, you can save money by avoiding costly purchases of new refrigerators and prevent the wastage of food due to faulty cooling systems. Sheila Polanco Russell’s technique is a game-changer for anyone who has been inconvenienced by rotting food caused by malfunctioning refrigerators or power outages.

Remember, your health is the utmost priority. If you have any doubts about the safety or quality of your food, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and throw it out. By following these guidelines, you can take the appropriate precautions to protect your well-being.

Spread the word about this valuable information and share it with your friends and family, so they too can stay up-to-date on food safety concerns. Don’t let spoiled food ruin your meals or compromise your health.