On April 16, the streets of Butte, Montana were graced with an unexpected visitor – an elephant! Videos circulating on social media captured the incredible sight of the elephant roaming the streets after escaping from the Jordan World Circus. The elephant, named Viola, got loose during her routine bath when she was startled by a nearby truck backfiring.

According to a representative from Carson & Barnes, the elephant handler’s office, Viola managed to break free from her handler and crossed the main road, causing traffic concerns and confusion among drivers. But thankfully, Viola remained calm and no injuries were sustained to her or any bystanders.

Once on the other side of the road, Viola made her way behind the casino area where she stopped to graze on some grass. Eventually, she was safely returned to her handler. Although the incident was a cause for concern, everyone involved was grateful that Viola remained calm throughout the ordeal.

The elephant’s escapade caught the attention of locals and passersby. Mataya Smith, an onlooker who witnessed the spectacle, couldn’t believe her eyes when she spotted the massive creature in the road. Others were equally surprised and excited, jumping up and down and pointing out the window.

Butte Chief Executive J.P. Gallagher mentioned that the elephant caused some damage to a Civic Center storage area but thankfully, no one was hurt. Gallagher expressed gratitude that everyone remained unharmed, despite the minor facility damage.

Handling the situation with professionalism and care, the elephant handlers were able to safely guide Viola back under control within a mere 20 minutes, without the need for law enforcement intervention. Onlookers praised the handlers for their expertise in calmly and patiently handling the situation.

It’s not every day that you see an elephant taking a leisurely stroll down a busy street. As the elephant walked, some observers marveled at how quickly elephants can move despite their seemingly slow nature. Others humorously speculated that the elephant was making her way to the casino to try her luck at the slot machines.

The whole incident ended on a heartwarming note as the elephant was reunited with a companion. The handlers used gentle gestures and words to guide the elephant back, ensuring her safety. Witnessing the reunion was described as adorable and not nearly as dramatic as one might imagine.

In the end, the unexpected visit from Viola the elephant became a memorable story for the residents of Butte, Montana. It serves as a reminder of the beauty and unpredictability of nature, and the importance of handling such situations with patience and care.