Showing Our Appreciation for Our Military Heroes

We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to our military personnel. Their sacrifices have ensured our freedom, a debt we can never fully repay. However, we can show our appreciation for them not just on Memorial or Veteran’s day, but every single day.

A Rendition Like No Other

Prepare to be blown away by an extraordinary rendition of “God Bless America” that you’ve never heard before. Trust me when I say that this gem of a performance will give you goosebumps, fill you with pride, and energize you like dynamite. It serves as a powerful reminder of why we hold our military in such high regard.

Saluting a Singing Soldier

When I first learned about this singing soldier, I knew he would be something special. However, I never anticipated just how extraordinary he would be. Experiencing something as moving as this performance is a rare occurrence in life. By the end of his powerhouse rendition, you’ll want to salute this US Marine and shake his hand. And you’ll undoubtedly feel a surge of pride for our country.

The History behind “God Bless America”

“God Bless America” carries a profound history. Originally written by Irving Berlin as a prayer, it was brought to life through song by the iconic Kate Smith in 1938. If you aren’t familiar with Kate Smith, she was known as the First Lady of Radio and had a remarkable career spanning five decades. During World War II, her popularity soared, earning her the nickname “The Songbird of the South” due to her contributions to American culture and patriotism.

Irving Berlin: A Musical Legacy

Irving Berlin, a name synonymous with “God Bless America,” has an equally remarkable story. Born as “Israel Beilin,” he immigrated to America from Russia at the tender age of five. By the time he turned thirty, he had already written hundreds of songs, many of which became major hits.

Throughout his illustrious 60-year career, Berlin penned an estimated 1,500 songs, including those for 20 Broadway plays and 15 Hollywood films. His compositions received eight nominations for Academy Awards. Learning about this industrious and successful American artist adds an extra layer of significance to “God Bless America.”

Witnessing a Performance of Pride and Energy

Watch the video below and allow yourself to be enveloped in the palpable pride and electric energy radiating from this Marine. Keep an eye out for the incredible moment at the 1:48 mark that will undoubtedly make you want to rise to your feet. God Bless America, indeed… and AMEN.