Oscar, a proud owner of a brand new Mercedes, decided to visit his favorite sporting goods store. Excited to explore the store, he left his car parked outside and headed in, accompanied by Jan, a friendly saleswoman he often sought assistance from. Jan, a lovely blonde, warmly welcomed Oscar as he entered the store. However, today he kindly requested some time alone to browse before seeking her help. Understanding his wish, she allowed him to roam freely.

Just as Oscar was enjoying his solitary shopping experience, Jan suddenly rushed towards him, panic evident in her voice. “Oscar! Oscar! I just witnessed someone driving away with your brand new Mercedes!” she exclaimed.

Distraught and desperate, Oscar asked Jan, “Dear God! Did you try to stop him?”

To his surprise, Jan smiled and replied confidently, “No, Oscar. I did something even better! I managed to jot down the license plate number!”

A heartwarming tale revolves around a farmer who gifted his daughter with a delightful little pet pig. Fondly, she named the pig “Stinky” while playing with it outside. However, once the pig found its home in the sty, she referred to it as “Ballpoint.”

Amused by his daughter’s choice of names, the farmer couldn’t help but question her, “Tell me, my dear, why do you have two names for your pig?”

With innocence in her eyes, the daughter explained, “That’s easy, Daddy! ‘Ballpoint’ is just his pen name.”