Three Kids are arguing about who’s dad is the fastest.

Once upon a time, three lively kids were engaged in a friendly debate about whose dad was the fastest. Each boy had a unique reason to support their claim.

The first boy confidently boasted that his dad was a skilled bricklayer. According to him, when his dad dropped a brick from the 5th floor, he could reach the ground level before the brick could even hit the ground! Impressive, right?

Not to be outdone, the second boy chimed in with his own argument. His dad happened to be a professional archer. The second boy exclaimed, “My dad can shoot an arrow at the bullseye and reach it even before the arrow itself!” That’s some serious speed!

But wait, there was one more contender. The third boy proudly declared that his dad was indeed the fastest. His dad worked as a public servant for the government. Surprisingly, after wrapping up work at 5 pm, he miraculously arrived home at an astonishing 2:30 pm!

As the youngsters passionately presented their cases, a man sat at a local bar and overheard their conversation. Feeling a sense of celebration, he turned to a woman next to him and shared his joy. Interestingly, she was also celebrating something special.

Curious about each other’s reasons for celebration, they clinked their glasses together. The woman asked the man about the nature of his celebration, and he gladly revealed his secret.

“I’m a chicken farmer, and for years, all my hens were infertile. But today, they have finally become fertile,” he exclaimed.

To his astonishment, the woman saw a striking parallel in their stories. She joyfully shared her own news of being pregnant after months of trying with her husband.

Intrigued, she inquired about the transformation of the farmer’s chickens. Without missing a beat, he replied, “I switched cocks!” The woman couldn’t help but exclaim in amazement, “What a coincidence!”