A 24-year-old woman is in a pickle as she tries to balance her rest with her boyfriend’s needs. Despite feeling a bit uneasy about it, she’s facing criticism for wanting to stay comfortable in her own bedroom.

Seeking Advice from the Online Community

This young woman, who is 24, shared her concerns on Reddit. She is in a relationship with a 35-year-old man who works night shifts and returns home around 4 am.

He requests that she sleeps in the living room because, according to him, her movements disturb his sleep. Every morning, between 4 am and 6 am, when he gets off work, she’s asked to leave the bedroom so he can get some rest. This has left her wondering if it’s selfish to stay in her bed while he attempts to sleep after his shift.

Her boyfriend claims she’s being inconsiderate if she stays in the room, adding that her presence makes the bedroom too warm for him. She highlighted the issue, mentioning, “Our couch isn’t big enough to lay on (it’s technically a love seat), and the floor is way too tough on my body.”

Her Struggle with Sleeping in the Living Room

For several hours each morning, she finds it uncomfortable to sleep in the living room. Unlike their bedroom, which has blackout curtains, the living room is much brighter. Though they have an air mattress, she worries it would get damaged by their cat. They even talked about buying a new couch, but her boyfriend dismissed the idea, saying it was her wish, not his.

She feels it’s unfair that she always ends up sacrificing her meager 5-6 hours of sleep so that he can get a solid eight hours. In her quest for a solution, she asks if she is in the wrong for wanting to remain in the bedroom during those early morning hours.

Looking for Solutions and Support

Now, she’s reaching out for advice on how to manage this tough situation.