Have you ever wondered how often you should wash your bra? Influencer Laura Henshaw caused quite a stir when she confessed in a recent podcast episode that she washes her bra only once a month. This revelation has ignited a debate on how often and why bras should be washed.

The Bra Washing Debate

How Frequently Should Your Bra Be Washed?

There isn’t a straightforward answer to this question. It depends on various factors like lifestyle, personal preferences, and the type of bra you’re wearing. If we’re being honest, many of us have a go-to bra that we love to wear all the time but perhaps don’t wash as often as we should. Experts, however, suggest that bras should be cleaned every two to four wears. Let’s explore why this frequency is recommended.

#1. Personal Cleanliness

Bras are in close contact with your skin and can collect sweat, oils, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Regular washing helps maintain hygiene by eliminating these accumulated substances.

#2. Odor Management

When sweat and bacteria build up in a bra, it can start to smell unpleasant, especially if it’s worn repeatedly without washing. Frequent washing can help your bras stay fresh and free from unwanted odors.

#3. Skin Conditions

If you don’t wash your bra frequently, it can irritate your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin. Dirt and bacteria buildup can cause itching, redness, or even infections. Regular washing helps keep your skin healthy and prevent these issues.

#4. Lifespan

Cleaning your bras regularly can extend their lifespan. Oils, sweat, and grime can break down the fabric and elasticity over time. Proper care and cleaning help maintain the shape and functionality of your bras, making them last longer.

#5. Coziness

Let’s face it—wearing a freshly cleaned bra is much more comfortable than one that’s been worn multiple times without washing. Clean bras offer better support, breathability, and overall comfort.

Overall Suggestions

While washing bras every two to four wears is generally advised, individual circumstances might require more frequent washing. For example, if you sweat excessively or engage in activities that make you perspire a lot, you may need to wash your bras more often.

Different types of bras also require different care. Delicate, lacy bras might need to be hand-washed or placed in a lingerie bag to protect the fabric during washing. Sports bras, often worn for intense physical activities, might need washing after every use to eliminate sweat and odors.

The Final Word

Laura Henshaw’s admission of washing her bras once a month shocked many, but it highlights the importance of prioritizing personal hygiene and proper care for our undergarments. Washing bras every two to four wears is a good rule of thumb, but personal circumstances and preferences should be considered. Frequent washing helps maintain comfort, confidence, and overall health by keeping your bras clean, odor-free, and in good condition.