The teacher stands in front of the class, addressing a student, and asks, “How many kidneys do we have?”

The student, sitting in the back, confidently replies, “Four!”

“Four? Haha,” the teacher chuckles.

This particular teacher loved pointing out students’ mistakes and often belittled them.

With a smirk, the teacher turned to a student in the front row and said, “Bring a bundle of grass, because we have a donkey in the room.”

The quick-witted backbencher shot back, “And for me, a coffee!”

The teacher, losing his temper, ordered the cheeky student out of the classroom.

As he left, the student cheekily explained, “You asked how many kidneys ‘we’ have. We have four: two of mine and two of yours. ‘We have’ means in total. Enjoy the grass!”

The class erupted in laughter!