One day, Little Johnny found himself in a bit of a situation. During class, he let out a fart, causing quite a disturbance among his classmates and upsetting his teacher greatly. As a result, the teacher promptly asked him to leave the classroom.

Johnny, however, didn’t seem too upset by this turn of events. He settled himself just outside the class, chuckling to himself. His amusement didn’t go unnoticed for long, as the principal happened to walk by and saw Johnny sitting there, giggling.

Curious, the principal approached him and asked, “Little Johnny, what are you doing sitting out here and laughing?”

With a big grin on his face, Johnny replied, “I farted in class, and the teacher threw me out.”

The principal, trying to understand the situation, asked, “Well, why are you laughing then?”

Johnny’s grin widened as he explained, “Because now I’m out here enjoying the beautiful, clean air while everyone else is stuck inside smelling my fart!”

And so, Johnny continued to laugh at the situation, finding joy in his unexpected advantage over everyone else.