Friendships add color and joy to our lives, making our days brighter and more meaningful. But sometimes, the wrong kind of friends can be harmful. Here are some important red flags to be aware of in your friendships:

1. Social Media Blasters

A friend who shares your private information on social media without your consent is not a true friend. They may post about your life, your achievements, or even your conflicts online instead of dealing with them privately. This behavior is a major sign of disrespect.

2. The Social Chameleon

These friends change their behavior depending on who they are with. You might be surprised to see how differently they act around others compared to when they are with you. This inconsistency often indicates that they are not being genuine.

3. The Users

When friends continuously ask for favors but never offer to return them, it’s a clear sign that they are using you. Genuine friends value you for who you are, not for what you can do for them.

4. Gossip Lovers

If your friends are always speaking negatively about others behind their backs, it’s only a matter of time before they do the same to you. It’s better to surround yourself with positive people who uplift rather than tear others down.

5. Competitive Spirit

Do you feel like your friends are always trying to one-up you? Healthy friendships should be about celebrating each other’s successes, not competing against each other.

6. Sad by Your Success

If your friends seem to withdraw or act distant when something good happens to you, it could be a sign that they are not genuinely happy for you. True friends celebrate your achievements right alongside you.

7. The Backup Plan

If your friends only reach out when their other plans fall through, it’s a clear indicator that they don’t consider you a priority. Real friends make time for you regardless of their other commitments.

8. The One-Sided Venter

Some friends treat you like an unpaid therapist, constantly venting about their problems but never showing interest in your life. A healthy friendship is a two-way street where both parties listen and care about each other.

9. The “Always Busy” Friend

Friends who rarely call or text and always claim they’re