Whether you’ve been married for decades or just a few years, the thought of ending your relationship is never easy – especially if you’re unsure if it’s the right step. Perhaps this feeling has been lingering for a while, or the idea of divorce is new to you. No matter how recent your consideration might be, here are some key signs that can help you make the best decision for your well-being. If you notice the following six signs in your relationship, breaking up might be the best choice for you.

1. Constant Arguments

If you and your partner argue over everything, it’s a clear sign that things aren’t going well. While it’s normal to have some disagreements, constant fighting indicates a lack of understanding between the two of you.

2. Lack of Emotional Connection

Emotional connection and understanding are crucial for a successful relationship. If you and your partner are lacking this bond, it might be due to not spending enough quality time together, and it’s a serious sign that something is amiss.

3. Infidelity

Cheating is unfortunately common and can be devastating. It’s also illegal in some places. If you find out your partner is being unfaithful, consider talking to a lawyer immediately and always discuss it in a safe environment.

4. No Effort to Mend the Relationship

Disagreements are normal, but if neither of you is making an effort to resolve your conflicts, it spells trouble. A relationship requires effort from both sides. If one person is doing all the work, it becomes incredibly challenging to sustain the relationship.

5. Domestic Violence

Domestic violence, whether mental or physical, is a severe issue and a punishable crime. If you’ve experienced any form of domestic violence, it’s an unmistakable sign that your marriage is in serious jeopardy.

6. Lack of Interest in Sex

If one or both of you have lost interest in sex, it could signal deeper issues in your relationship. A sexless marriage or one lacking affection often ends in divorce or becomes a marriage of convenience, where you stay together for the kids or due to fear of lifestyle changes.

Relationships require happiness, love, trust, respect, and mutual interest to thrive. Without these essentials, the warmth in the relationship vanishes, and the foundation weakens. Compromising with self-esteem further deteriorates any relationship. Always remember not to forsake your self-respect. If separating brings you more happiness, then seriously consider it.