A man in his early thirties recently shared his story on Reddit, hoping to get some advice about a surprising turn his relationship took. He had been dating a lovely young woman for six months, and things seemed to be progressing well. Two months into the relationship, she moved into his apartment, and life seemed promising.

Everything was going smoothly until one particular weekend. She expressed her wish for him to meet her family, which he saw as a positive step. However, what unfolded during that visit was beyond what he could have anticipated.

A Mind-Blowing Discovery That Led to an Unexpected Decision

They drove to her family’s house on a Saturday. Everything seemed normal until about 30 minutes into their visit. To his astonishment, a 10-year-old girl opened the door, spotted his girlfriend, and enthusiastically called out, “Mom!” before hugging her tightly.

The man was stunned. Throughout their entire relationship, his girlfriend had never once mentioned having a daughter. Further conversations revealed that she had not visited or even spoken to her daughter for at least two months.

Feeling a mix of confusion and disappointment, the man asked the young girl about the last time she spoke with her mother. The child responded, “Sometime before Summer break.” This revelation made him realize he couldn’t continue in a relationship with someone who had seemingly abandoned her own child.

Determined to address the matter head-on, he confronted his girlfriend in front of her parents. He explained that he could not remain in a relationship with someone who neglected their own child. He expressed his inability to overlook such a significant issue.

They then returned to his apartment, during which his now ex-girlfriend pleaded and promised to change. “I packed up all her stuff and drove her back to her parents,” the man shared.

In his Reddit post, he sought opinions from the online community, specifically asking if he was wrong for ending the relationship in front of her parents. He clarified that he wasn’t seeking judgment for breaking up with her but rather for the manner in which he did it.

What Do Redditors Think?

The Reddit community overwhelmingly supported his decision. One user pointed out that any woman who neglects her child for a new boyfriend is a significant red flag, making the man’s choice entirely understandable.

Many commenters echoed this sentiment. They emphasized that the girlfriend not only hid her child but also abandoned and neglected her. They agreed that any parent who neglects their children raises serious concerns.

Several Redditors praised the man for his approach, noting that he waited for the child to be out of the room before explaining his decision. They appreciated that he took her back to her parents along with her belongings and expressed curiosity about her parents’ thoughts on the situation.

Commenters agreed that if she could neglect her own child, it raised doubts about her behavior in a relationship. They supported the man’s decision, believing his actions were honest and justifiable. They remarked that the girlfriend was merely facing the consequences of her choices.