A boss informs his secretary, “We are traveling abroad for the week, so please make the necessary arrangements.”

The secretary then calls her husband, “Honey, my boss and I will be traveling abroad for some business matters.”

The secretary’s husband, seizing the opportunity, calls his secret lover, “Guess what? My wife will be away this weekend, so why don’t you come over and we can spend the time together.”

The secret lover, needing to adjust her plans, calls the child she tutors, “I won’t be available for lessons this weekend, so don’t come over for your sessions.”

The child, looking forward to some free time, calls his grandpa, “Grandpa, my tutor won’t be available this weekend. Can I come over and spend the time with you?”

Grandpa, delighted to hear this, calls his own secretary, “Cancel our travel plans. My grandson is coming to spend the weekend with me.”

The secretary, now having to switch gears, calls her husband again, “My boss just canceled our trip because his grandson is coming over. Looks like we’re staying put this week.”

Her husband, disappointed, calls his secret lover, “I’m sorry, but our plans are off. My wife isn’t going away after all.”

The secret lover, scrambling to adjust again, calls the little boy, “Actually, there’s been a change in my schedule. We will have our regular lessons this week after all.”

The little boy, a bit confused, calls his grandfather, “Grandpa, I’m really sorry, but it turns out I do have lessons this weekend. I won’t be able to visit you.”

Grandpa, now having to adjust once more, calls his secretary, “Plans are back on! My grandson won’t be coming after all. We will still be traveling this week, so please make the arrangements again.”