Texting is a fantastic way to communicate your feelings. It’s quick, pressure-free, and flexible enough for any type of message.

Want to casually say “Hi!”? Send a text message.

Feeling a bit romantic? How about a virtual hug or a sweet message?

Even though texting is convenient, women can sometimes overthink things when messaging men. We might write too much, spend ages figuring out what to say, or get upset when the response isn’t what we hoped for.

However, men can be quite predictable. That’s why we’ve rounded up 3 excellent tips on how to text men and keep them interested in what you’re saying. These tips will help you get guaranteed responses.

#1. Add Fun to Your Messages

Don’t shy away from being funny. Guys (and girls) can get bored easily and enjoy a playful conversation. Instead of sending a simple “Hi. How’s it going?”, kick off the conversation with a funny meme or a quirky comment. This not only shows off your creativity but also your sense of humor.

#2. Avoid Direct Questions

Don’t give him the chance to decline an invite. Asking him outright to hang out might result in a polite excuse and him choosing to stay home instead. If you want him to join you, try something like, “We’re having such a great time, you should come over.” It avoids pressure and doesn’t give him too much time to think whether he wants to see you or not. Yes, it’s a bit sneaky, but it works like a charm.

#3. Set Your Boundaries

Flirt a little, but make sure to set your standards. If he suggests spending time with you, let him know you’re not that kind of girl, but you’d love to go out with him. He will respect you more for having strong character. If he doesn’t appreciate it, then he wasn’t worth your time anyway.