Many relationship experts agree that the key to a joyful and enduring marriage lies in a few essential practices. Here, we uncover four secrets that can help you and your spouse maintain a happy and healthy relationship.

1. Always Be Kind

At times, we speak without considering the impact of our words. Remember, once something hurtful is said, it cannot be taken back, even with countless apologies. While your partner might forgive you, the sting of those words can linger.

Harsh words can cause long-lasting harm to your relationship. Instead of saying something you’ll regret, take a moment to cool down. Practicing daily kindness can make a significant difference. Compliment your partner, surprise them with small gestures of love, and show affection. A little kindness goes a long way.

2. Learn to Compromise

Compromise is a cornerstone of any strong marriage. Rather than insisting on having your way or settling for something that makes you uncomfortable, look for a middle ground. Finding a solution that satisfies both parties will strengthen your relationship and demonstrate your willingness to work together through challenges. It shows that you’re both committed to making each other happy.

3. Listen Attentively

Your partner may come home after a tough day, needing to relax and unload their stress. Showing empathy and lending a listening ear is crucial. Even during disagreements, allow your partner to voice their thoughts and feelings. Listening intently and valuing their perspective is essential.

Dr. Mike McNulty, a therapist, emphasizes, “Listen. Help your spouse express their feelings. Empathize. Show support. Don’t worry about solving or fixing. Most of us just want to be heard.” Truly listening to your partner helps them feel valued and understood.

4. Don’t Forget to Have Fun

Every marriage faces its share of challenges, but it’s essential to keep the fun alive. Recall the reasons you fell in love with your partner and continue doing activities you both enjoy. Marriage doesn’t mean the end of dating—keep planning those special outings and alone time to maintain the spark and strengthen your bond.