There are many things women will do for the men they love. Some go so far as to sacrifice their happiness. However, just because something might be done in the name of love does not make it the right thing to do.

Here are 6 things that a woman should never do for the man she loves:

1. Don’t Beg for Love

Some women just don’t know when to stop. You fall in love with a man and it turns out he does not love you the same way. Instead of moving on, you eventually win with all your love tactics and he dates you out of pity. Obviously, you won’t be happy in that relationship. He will take you for granted and even cheat knowing he can get away with it. After all, you will forgive him because you are in love with him. This is a terrible thing to do.

2. Give Up on Your Dreams

Just because a woman has found the love of her life doesn’t mean all her dreams have come true. Everyone has secret hopes, dreams and longings for the future. Being in a relationship should not mean that you have to give up those dreams for your sweetheart’s. On the contrary! Your man should be providing encouragement and support to live your dreams.

3. Compromise Your Standards

Your standards and beliefs are a part of who you are. They reach into the very core of your being. When someone attempts to change those standards or beliefs, they are showing you they do not truly love who you are. It is important for a woman never to settle for a man who does not respect her standards, no matter how high or strict. Instead, a woman should search for someone who either shares her standards or admires her because of them. It might take a while to find him, but he is out there.

4. Change Your Appearance

It is perfectly natural for a woman to want to look nice for the man she loves. There is nothing wrong with spending a little extra time on your hair and makeup before a date. It is a great opportunity for you to accentuate your natural beauty and get a little confidence boost from the look on your man’s face when you walk down the stairs. However, you should feel just as confident walking down those stairs in jeans and a t-shirt as you do in that blue dress he loves. There is no reason you should feel the need to be constantly dolled up to perfection. Just be you.

5. Don’t Talk Ill of Your Family

This is important. Respect is reciprocal. If you talk ill of your family all the time, he will never have regard for them. All you say gets stuck in his head and he will never respect them. I know sometimes you have to vent to someone when things go wrong with your family which could be from time to time. Never let him see your family as dispensable. Earn your respect!

Love is not that difficult and if you are patient, you will find someone who loves you as much as you do in return.

6. Be Submissive

Men and women should be equal partners in a relationship. Both are independent human beings with different opinions and ways of doing things. Although learning how to work together might involve adopting new habits and sacrificing the luxury of getting your own way, one person should not be bending to the will of the other.

No matter how much you love him, your man does not control your life. You do. This does not mean that you should never counsel together when making decisions. It does mean you should not consider his word to be law. You should never step back and let him push you around.