1. He only really shows up when he needs something from you.

It’s telling when he only reaches out to you when he requires something. This pattern shows a clear difference in priorities. While you make time and effort to stay connected, he’s unavailable when it’s just about spending time together. If you don’t answer immediately, even when you’re genuinely busy, he becomes distant. This behavior highlights a stark imbalance in how the relationship is valued by both parties.

2. He doesn’t open up to you about his life.

Genuine connections are built on mutual trust and openness. If he’s clamming up when you ask about his past or personal experiences, it’s a red flag. Being reluctant to share important aspects of his life indicates that he doesn’t see you as someone integral to his inner world. This lack of depth suggests he views you more as a temporary or surface-level companion rather than a significant part of his life.

3. He is more interested in the physical aspect than in getting to know you.

A relationship focused primarily on physical intimacy without the balance of meaningful conversations can be an indicator that he’s not looking for a deeper connection. Sharing thoughts, dreams, and simply enjoying each other’s company in different contexts is crucial for a well-rounded relationship. If those moments are sparse, it may mean that he doesn’t see the need to invest emotionally or intellectually in your relationship.

4. You feel like you are not as important to him

One-sided efforts in communication and planning are exhausting and disheartening. If you find yourself always being the one to initiate contact or make plans, and he barely reciprocates, it’s a concerning sign. This behavior reflects his lack of interest in prioritizing the relationship. Furthermore, if he continually forgets important dates and events that matter to you—such as birthdays or anniversaries—it’s a clear indication that he doesn’t hold you in the same regard as you do him.

Feeling like an afterthought becomes all too common when you’re the one constantly carrying the emotional weight. Being the only one who remembers or cherishes special moments highlights an unwelcome imbalance.

5. You usually feel unhappy and badly used

Feeling persistently unhappy, insecure, or undervalued in his presence is a strong indication that something is off. His behavior might make you question your self-worth and leave you feeling exploited. Pay close attention to these emotions. If the relationship drains your energy and diminishes your sense of self rather than uplifting you, it’s crucial to reevaluate your relationship priorities. Trust your instincts and remember that a healthy relationship should provide mutual support and joy, not prolong your self-doubts and sadness.