It’s heart-wrenching to think you’re the main woman in a relationship, only to find out you’re actually the side chick. Some men are very adept at cheating and make a habit of wrapping you up in a world of fake promises and half-truths. However, the signs that your man has another woman are often easy to spot, provided you don’t ignore them.

Here are some telltale signs that you might be the side chick rather than the main woman in his life.

1. You Have Low Expectations

If you’re thrilled when he does something as minor as wishing you a good night, that’s a red flag! Your expectations should be higher, and they would be if you weren’t his side chick. He’s set the bar low—very low. Because of this, even a simple text response gives you butterflies.

2. He Wants You Off His Phone

This has been a contentious topic for a long time. Some believe couples should freely share their phones, passwords, and gadgets, while others disagree. Some men may give you their phone but only after they’ve deleted call histories, messages, and blocked certain numbers. If your partner frequently changes his passwords and guards his phone like it’s a nuclear code, it’s a clear sign you’re the side chick.

3. He Leaves Right After Sex

If he leaves immediately after sex without talking or snuggling, that’s a bad sign. He gets dressed and leaves without a second thought. Why the rush? Two possibilities: either he needs to get back to his main girlfriend, or he doesn’t want to spend the night with you—both are equally troubling.

4. He’s Always ‘Busy’

If you’re a side chick, he’ll always find excuses to avoid spending special moments with you. A major indication is if he avoids walking with you in public or refuses to attend celebrations like Christmas and Valentine’s Day with you. If he has another woman, he’ll prioritize her over you, making up excuses to snub you on special days.

5. He’s Secretive

You don’t know much about him—does he have siblings? Is he employed? Does he own a home? Your questions go unanswered because he keeps you at arm’s length. He isn’t viewing you as a long-term girlfriend, so there’s no reason for him to share his secrets with you.

6. You Only See Him at Night

If your interactions are limited to nighttime, that’s a clear sign you’re his side chick. If he genuinely liked you, he’d make time for daytime activities like brunch or visits to the farmer’s market. If your meet-ups are restricted to after-hours, it’s a big red flag.

7. He’s Stingy with Money

If you’ve been seeing each other for a while and he hasn’t spent a penny on you, that’s a bad sign. Men with side chicks don’t usually have the budget to treat all their women equally. If you find yourself always paying for outings, it’s likely because he’s cutting costs, showing that you’re not a priority for him.