1. He’s Always Sweet With Words

While every guy trying to win your heart may use sweet words, a player has a special knack for making you feel extra special. They’ll charm you with words you’re most vulnerable to, often calling you “hun,” “my love,” “my heartbeat,” “my sunshine,” “my angel,” or “my pride.” They’ll tell you they can’t live a single day without you—yet they managed just fine before you came along. Their words are carefully chosen to keep you from seeing their true motives.

2. He Doesn’t Care About Your Feelings

If he doesn’t care whether his actions hurt you, that’s a red flag. The saying goes, “By their fruits, you shall know them.” If he’s flirting with your friends and dismisses your feelings about it, that’s another bad sign. When confronted, if he’s more interested in making excuses than showing genuine remorse, it’s likely he doesn’t have your best interests at heart.

3. He Is Sure To Always Cover His Tracks

Players are experts at hiding their true selves. They’ll usually appear faultless when they’re with you. If he seems too good to be true and you never spot any flaws, be cautious; a person who appears perfect may be hiding something behind those sweet smiles.

4. He Doesn’t Give You Quality Attention

A man genuinely interested in you will make time, despite being busy. If he always has excuses for why he can’t spend time with you, take note. Players often act this way because they’re on the lookout for new opportunities rather than investing in your relationship. If you notice a pattern of him not being there when you need him, it might be time to reconsider how much he truly cares.