A mother is driving her little girl to her friend’s house for a playdate.

“Mommy,” the little girl pipes up, “How old are you?”

“Sweetie, it’s not polite to ask a lady her age,” replies the mother with a smile.

“Alright then,” the curious girl continues, “How much do you weigh?”

“Now really,” says the mother, a bit more firmly, “Those are personal questions and not something you should ask.”

Still undeterred, the little girl questions further, “Why did you and Daddy get a divorce?”

The mother, now exasperated, says, “That’s enough questions, young lady!”

The mother walks away as the two friends start their playdate.

Later, the little girl confides to her friend, “My mom won’t tell me anything about herself.”

“It’s easy,” says the friend. “Just check her driver’s license. It’s like a report card—it has everything on it!”

That night, the little girl approaches her mother and says, “Mom, I know you’re 32 years old.”

Startled, the mother asks, “How did you find that out?”

“And I know you weigh 140 pounds,” the little girl adds.

The mother, now thoroughly shocked, asks, “How on Earth did you learn that?”

With a triumphant grin, the little girl concludes, “And I also know why you and Daddy got a divorce.”

“Oh really?” the mother asks, now intrigued. “Why?”

“Because you got an ‘F’ in ѕєχ.”