In today’s world, the act of cheating seems to have become almost commonplace. Some men do own up to being married right from the start. However, if you’re on the unfortunate side, he might claim he’s single until his wife calls you, or until you uncover the truth yourself.

Here are five common statements married men often use to woo single ladies:

1. “My wife is lazy” or “my wife is lazy in bed”

These men are quick to criticize their wives, especially about their performance in the bedroom or their household duties, like cooking and cleaning. Most of the time, these statements are far from the truth.

2. “I’m going to marry you.”

They often promise they will leave their current wives to marry the younger woman. But these promises should be taken with a lot of skepticism.

3. “I love you more than I love my wife” or “I have never loved anyone the way I love you”

More lies, piling up. It’s as if giving this imaginary edge to another woman over their legally married spouse is supposed to mean something significant.

4. “My wife is aware that I am dating other women.”

While it’s true that some wives might know about their husbands’ infidelities, if they choose not to confront it, these men start believing it’s acceptable to continue their behavior.

5. “We are separated” or “we are having issues” or “I will soon leave the marriage.”

Among all the worthless statements, the claim of being ‘separated’ is probably the top offender. These men might still be legally married and have no intention of leaving their wives for anyone else.