One fine day, little Johnny looked up at his dad with curiosity sparkling in his young eyes and asked,

“Dad, why do grown-ups like to exercise in bed?”

In the kitchen, Johnny’s mom was busy preparing dinner when she overheard his question. She paused, intrigued by how her husband would tackle this unexpected inquiry.

His father, taken aback but trying to maintain his composure, explained, “Well, son, it’s because exercising in bed makes grown-ups happy.”

Johnny, with the innocence of a child, responded, “I want to be happy too!”

Smiling, his father replied, “That will come in due time, Johnny. You have to wait until you’re a grown-up.”

“But when I grow up, who will exercise with me?” asked Johnny, his young mind racing.

His father, now trying to steer the conversation delicately, said, “Hopefully, when you get married, it will be your wife.”

Confusion crossed Johnny’s face as he pondered this. Innocently, he then asked, “But Dad, how come our neighbour Sally exercises with you if it makes grown-ups happy?”

With that revelation, Johnny’s mom rushed out of the kitchen, alarm etched on her face. Moments later, the sound of sirens filled the air as an ambulance arrived on the scene, its lights flashing urgently.