People with strong opinions and powerful personalities are often misunderstood. They can be mistakenly seen as arrogant or dominant, usually by those who are insecure or small-minded. Some might perceive you as rude, while others might think of you as overly dominant. These perceptions are actually reflections of your self-confidence, which can intimidate others.

A powerful personality can be threatening to some because they don’t understand how someone can be so comfortable with themselves without worrying about others’ opinions. If you recognize these traits in yourself, you might have a strong personality that can sometimes scare people.

Here are 8 signs that indicate you have a strong, though sometimes intimidating, personality:

1. You Do Not Try to Please Anyone

You’re genuine and don’t try to impress others. You accept yourself as you are and don’t hide your true personality. You respect others but never underestimate yourself in their presence.

2. You Do Not Seek Attention

Being content and confident in who you are means you don’t crave attention or need others’ approval. You’ve already approved yourself.

3. You Admit Your Mistakes

A key part of having a strong personality is being aware of your flaws as well as your strengths. You sideline your ego and openly admit mistakes when they happen. Rather than dwelling on them, you move forward to the next chapter.

4. You Stick to Your Morals

You stand firm in your principles and are not easily swayed. Your morals guide your life, and no one can talk you into doing something that goes against them.

5. You Don’t Like Excuses

You view excuses as a waste of time. Preferring to step out of your comfort zone, you strive to make the best of every situation.

6. You Can’t Stand Ignorance and Insensitivity

Instant judgments and instinctive reactions annoy you, especially when people aren’t sure of the facts. Your strong personality is built on being thoughtful, empathetic, and well-informed.

7. You Hate Small Talk

Talking about the weather isn’t your style. You prefer deep, meaningful conversations about the universe, feelings, or mysteries of life that can boost your intelligence.

8. You Are Not Arrogant, You Have a Strong Attitude

Sometimes, your independence and self-worth can be misunderstood as arrogance. People who are easily offended might act destructively toward you. Your strong attitude can challenge their beliefs, leading them to label you as arrogant. Regardless, you always stay true to yourself.