1. He loves you for what’s inside

When he met you, his eyes weren’t drawn only to your body. He loves you for who you are, for your personality, values and accomplishments.

2. He gives you his undivided attention.

Don’t ever let go of a man who shows an interest in you; he could turn out to be a wonderful thing in your life. You should never give up on a man who pays attention to you every day, no matter how stubborn he is.

3. He respects you

Respect is a key within marriage. Love can’t blossom without respect for one another. Mutual respect is the bridge that allows couples to love each other and stay together, even with their differences.

4. He expresses his undying love for you.

You should stick with someone who is openly affectionate rather than someone who is secretly in love with you. It’s a sign of respect and a desire for a long-term relationship when he freely admits his feelings for you. An uninterested suitor will never do this in the hopes of keeping you for the long haul.

5. He knows how to forgive and ask for forgiveness

He doesn’t stop loving you or hold grudges when you make mistakes, and isn’t afraid to confront you about his concerns. When he does something wrong, he apologizes not only with words, but also by his actions.

6. He protects you from the wrath of his family and friends.

To abandon a man who shields you from his family’s displeasure is a betrayal of your trust in him. A man who protects you shows that he values your well-being and is willing to go to considerable measures to ensure it.

7. He cares about your dreams

A selfish person is only concerned about their own responsibilities and dreams. A man who truly loves you commits his energy and time to things you want because he cares about your happiness.

8. He is a very open person.

Men who are open and honest are to be avoided at all costs. If a man is truthful with you, things will go more smoothly for you. Every action he makes will be charming, as he will not hide anything from you.

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