Three ducks wander into a bar one fine day…

Curious, the bartender asks the first duck, “Hey there, what’s your name?”

“Huey.” replies the duck with enthusiasm.

“Nice to meet you, Huey. How’s your day been?”

“Oh, it’s been wonderful! I’ve had so much fun splashing in and out of puddles all day. What more could a duck want?” Huey responds, beaming.

“Sounds delightful,” says the bartender with a smile.

Turning to the second duck, the bartender inquires, “And you, what’s your name?”

“I’m Dewey.” the second duck answers cheerfully.

“Tell me, Dewey, how has your day been?”

“It’s been splendid!” Dewey replies, “I spent my day playing in puddles too. It’s been just perfect for a duck like me.”

The bartender, now looking at the third duck, asks,

“So, you must be Louie, right?”

With a playful flutter of her eyelashes, the third duck responds,

“No, my name is Puddles.”