We spend a lot of time with our dogs, often treating them like family members.

It’s hard to imagine what we’d do if someone harmed this beloved part of our lives, accidentally or not. Picture a carefree, joyful puppy bouncing around with bright eyes and a tail that never stops wagging.

In a flash, a speeding car shatters that happy world, snatching away their life and future.

The pain that follows is like no other because losing a cherished dog touches the depths of one’s soul.

Sadly, many people have experienced this heartache, losing their dear pets due to reckless drivers. This sentiment is deeply understood by the author of this story.

One family, after losing their dog in an accident, decided to take action. They put up a sign on their lawn to serve as a warning to fast drivers. The message on the sign was quite bold, and to some, it even came across as a threat.

“We buried our dog last week because you won’t slow down,” the sign read. “If you hit one of my kids, your family may be burying you.”

A picture of the sign was shared on Reddit, where it quickly garnered a lot of attention and comments.

“I never understand why people speed through neighborhoods or parking lots. Seriously, what’s the logic in that?” one user commented.

The image and story were also shared on Facebook, where the majority of users backed the sign’s creator.

“Love the sign. People drive way too fast in neighborhoods. More than 20 is too fast. Kids on bikes, kids playing in their own yard – a ball goes into the street sometimes. Why is this a problem? Because people are just careless. Plain and simple,” one Facebook user wrote.

“Absolutely right! One of my dogs got away from me, and the woman who ran over him didn’t even slow down. Just ran over him. The same could happen to a child,” another commented.

However, some users did not sympathize with the dog owner. They felt that the owner should have been more responsible with their pet.

“I don’t feel sorry for them at all. We have the same issue in my neighborhood. People think it’s okay for dogs and cats to roam freely. My dogs don’t leave my property without my supervision,” one person remarked.

“Keep your dog on a leash! If you cared about your pet, you would take better care of them,” said another.

“Speeding is dangerous, but your dog and kids are your responsibility to keep them out of the street,” another added.

Unfortunately, this might not be the last time we see a sign like this in our neighborhoods. Seven years ago, Kevin Jackman from Middletown, New Jersey, had his fill of speeding drivers.

He watched cars speed past his house despite knowing that children lived and played nearby. Growing increasingly frustrated, he decided to craft a sign that would grab attention and make a statement. The result was a bold message.

His sign also served as a poignant reminder for drivers to slow down and prioritize safety. It read: “Last week, my dog was tragically struck because you chose not to slow down. If you hit a child, your family will be left burying you.”

Kevin Jackman mentioned that his sign was inspired by a post he saw on social media; perhaps it was the same Reddit post mentioned earlier.

What do you think when you see such signs? Which side do you support – the dog owners or those urging them to take responsibility? Share your thoughts with us!