One day, a young man was doing his shopping at the local supermarket when he noticed a sweet little old ladywho seemed to be following him around. Any time he paused, she would stop and wait, all the while keeping her eyes fixed on him. Eventually, she approached him as they both reached the checkout line.

With a gentle voice, she said, “I hope I haven’t made you uncomfortable; it’s just that you look so much like my late son.”

The young man, touched by her words, simply replied, “That’s okay.”

She continued, “I know it might sound strange, but it would mean the world to me if you could just say, ‘Goodbye, Mom,’ as I leave the store. It would make me so happy.”

Touched by her simple request, the young man agreed. And as she walked out of the store, he cheerfully called out, “Goodbye, Mom!”

The little old lady turned back, waving and smiling warmly at him. The young man felt a warm glow inside, happy he could bring a smile to her face.

Feeling good about himself, he approached the cashier to pay for his groceries.

The clerk looked up and said, “That will be $121.85, please.”

Shocked, the young man exclaimed, “How is that possible? I only picked up five items!”

The clerk replied with a smirk, “Oh, but your mother said you’d be covering her groceries too.”