Typically, you should be peacefully resting and letting go of your daily stresses. However, if you notice that you are frequently waking up during the wee hours of the night, it might be a sign of something deeper, possibly related to negativity.

This period is recognized by having the lowest body temperature, a time when we should ideally be in a state of deep slumber. But if you find yourself waking up between 3 am and 5 am consistently, it might pose some challenges. So, do you often find yourself awake at these early hours?

It’s crucial to be aware that between 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM, often referred to as the ‘Witching Hour,’ is when unusual phenomena might occur. This specific window is linked with sensing strange energies or experiencing a spiritual ‘Awakening.’

Moreover, during this hour, the Lungs Meridian is highly active. This meridian is deemed quite ‘magical’ and is associated with a sense of freedom and liberation. If you are battling obstacles or a strong desire to feel free, this could be the reason why you are experiencing anxiety during these hours.

Now that you know about the ‘Witching Hour,’ it’s important to reflect on whether dark forces influence your life or if sheer anxiety is keeping you awake. Understanding these aspects can be crucial before moving forward.

While many folks use this time to start their day afresh, some prefer to wake up later. If waking up during these hours is against your will, it could point toward an issue with the Large Intestine Meridian. Are you dealing with any concerns related to this meridian, like constipation, hemorrhoids, or allergies?

Additionally, the Large Intestine Meridian is connected to the Metal Element within the Chinese Element System, which governs the body’s detoxification process. So, what must you release? What worries are troubling you? Why is your meridian striving hard to cleanse your body of negativity? Reflect on these questions as they might guide you toward better rest.

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