Meet BenBen, often dubbed the saddest cat on the internet. Poor BenBen was facing a grim future in a shelter, where he was on the brink of being put to sleep.

He had a broken spine, several deep cuts, and a deformed ear, making his story even more heartbreaking.

It seems BenBen had a run-in with a much larger animal.

The shelter staff noted that BenBen seemed to sense his fate. He wasn’t eating, drinking, or moving – as if he’d already given up.

Then a kindhearted employee from a veterinary clinic heard about BenBen and decided to give him a chance at a new life.

The transformation was nothing short of miraculous. The moment he was brought into his new home, BenBen’s demeanor changed completely in just an hour!

“He started purring, smiling, and climbing up for cuddles, as if he was saying thank you. I truly believe he realized he was finally safe and had found his forever home.”

Although the doctors were skeptical about BenBen walking again, he defied the odds. Soon, he was not just walking but running and jumping!

Even though he still needs pain medication, BenBen’s days of being the saddest cat are far behind him. He has truly turned into a happy kitty!

Thank you to the wonderful people who rescued BenBen!