A woman was excited when her sister, who had recently moved to a nearby city, invited her out for a meal. However, the evening took an unexpected turn when her sister disappeared just as it was time to settle the bill.

A Reddit user, Wild-Eggplant1780, was thrilled to have her sister move closer to her. She eagerly anticipated spending more time together and creating new memories.

Two women enjoying a hot drink | Source: Shutterstock

Her sister moved to a city nearby, and within that city was a shopping center with various interesting shops and restaurants. Among them was an upscale restaurant that the Redditor loved to visit with her husband.

Given the high costs, with dinners ranging between $200-$250, she and her husband did not frequent the restaurant often. So when her sister suggested they dine there, she made sure to point out the expense, offering other more affordable options.

A woman talking on the phone | Source: Shutterstock

Yet, the sister was determined to try the high-end spot. Delighted to revisit the place with her husband, the Redditor agreed. Her sister brought along her boyfriend, and the family settled in for an incredible dinner.

People enjoying sushi | Source: Shutterstock

After the meal, the sister excused herself to the bathroom but took an unusually long time. Concerned, her boyfriend went to check on her, but he also didn’t return. Confused, the Redditor and her husband went to investigate and found that they had both left. Puzzled, she texted and called her sister, only to receive a message saying, “Thanks for dinner; it was just as amazing as you said it would be.”

Friends enjoying a meal | Source: Shutterstock

Left in disbelief, she continued to text her sister, questioning why she had left her with the bill without prior agreement. But her sister did not respond. The Reddit user then decided to take action.

Taking Action

The Reddit user warned her sister that if she didn’t return to the restaurant to settle her part of the bill within 30 minutes, she would only pay for herself and her husband, leaving her sister’s bill to be handled by the restaurant.

A woman looking worried at a restaurant table | Source: Shutterstock

When her sister did not return, she went through with her plan. She informed the restaurant staff and paid for her and her husband’s portion. Her sister was furious the next day, receiving calls from the restaurant urging her to settle the unpaid bill.

The Redditor felt no remorse, stating, “I’m not surprised since she skipped out on her bill.” Her sister argued that she had always paid for their meals, assuming she’d do so again. But the Redditor clarified that past meals had cost a maximum of $60, not $450 for four. Moreover, she reminded her sister that she had never agreed to cover the entire cost.

A woman checking the time on her watch | Source: Shutterstock

Despite the insistence from her sister and family, the Redditor refused to pay her sister’s bill, advising her to resolve the issue before the restaurant involved the police.

The Reddit user was left feeling uncomfortable and angry about how her sister handled the situation. Seeking advice, she turned to Reddit to ask if she was wrong for letting the restaurant contact the police.

Commenters’ Reactions

Many Reddit users supported her decision. They praised her for standing her ground and not paying for her sister’s and her boyfriend’s meals. Some saw her sister’s actions as a “scam” to get a free meal.

A restaurant bill and credit card | Source: Shutterstock

Commenters emphasized that the rule of thumb when dining out is to split the bill unless someone has explicitly offered to pay. Given that the sister had invited her out, they felt it was reasonable to assume she would cover at least her own meal.

Another outraged commenter questioned how old the sister was, stressing that such behavior would be expected from a teenager, not an adult. They suggested taking a long break from dining out or even seeing her again.

A woman shocked at the amount on her bill | Source: Shutterstock

The Redditor disclosed that they were both in their 30s. She mentioned that her sister often commented on her earnings, making her feel more like a “piggy bank” than a sibling. She recalled a time when her sister’s boyfriend had bought a car, and she mentioned she was also looking for one. Her sister’s response was, “You make xxx; you can certainly afford that car,” making her feel like she was seen more for her money than as a sister.

Do you think the Redditor was right not to pay the bill and let the restaurant call the police on her?