How many ducks are in the picture? The viral challenge sweeping the internet, explained

How many ducks can you spot in the picture? This simple yet tricky puzzle has been taking the internet by storm lately.

At first glance, you might think there are only a handful of ducks, perhaps around 9. But don’t be so sure! Just like finding Waldo in a crowd, spotting all the ducks requires keen observation. As you look closer, you’ll realize that each row has more than just a few ducks.

People across social media have been debating the correct answer, so let’s dive into it and solve this feathery puzzle together.

If we look carefully from left to right, the first row of ducks includes 1 duck, followed by 2 ducks, and then another set of 2 ducks. In the second row, every duck is doubled again. Moving on to the third row, there’s a triplet of ducks, followed by two single ducks. This can be a head-scratcher, right?

To break it down mathematically, we get: 1+2+2+2+2+2+3+1+1. And the grand total is… SPOILER ALERT… 16! Yes, there are 16 ducks in this picture.

So, did you guess correctly? Do you have the wisdom of an owl, or did you find yourself a bit bird-brained? Share this fun challenge with your friends and see who among you is the top bird spotter in your flock!