It’s not uncommon for animals to find themselves in tricky situations, needing a little human intervention to get them to safety.

It warms the heart when people step up to help these vulnerable creatures. This recently happened when a conductor halted a train to save a turtle’s life.

Meet Serhat Topal, a streetcar driver from Turkey. On his usual route, he spotted something unusual on the tracks: a turtle.

“It was a turtle trying to cross the tracks toward the countryside, but he was stuck,” Serhat shared with The Dodo. “I think he was scared.”

Serhat did something remarkable next: he stopped the train, exited, and went out of his way to help the turtle.

He gently picked up the animal, preventing it from being crushed by any oncoming trains, and carefully set it down over a fence to safety.

Serhat noted that the turtle appeared healthy and happily walked away once it was on the other side.

While it was the right thing to do, anyone who commutes by train knows that delays can be frustrating.

However, Turkey’s residents are well-known for their affection for stray animals. When Serhat explained the situation to the passengers, they were understanding and even pleased, saying they were “happy because I helped.”

“All living things are our friends, and we should approach them with love,” Serhat told The Dodo. “Everyone should consider this their duty. I have simply done my duty.”

We extend our heartfelt thanks to this thoughtful conductor for making the effort to save the turtle! Indeed, it’s our responsibility to look out for our friends in nature.

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