1. He doesn’t act present whenever the two of you are together.

When you spend time together, he seems mentally somewhere else. During conversations, he appears distracted and doesn’t really listen to what you’re saying. If he’s not just having a stressful week at work, he might be daydreaming about someone else.

2. He becomes more conscious of his appearance.

If he didn’t used to care much about how he looks, but now he does, this could be a red flag. He’s going the extra mile with his appearance to look attractive to someone else. Dressing up more than usual might be an effort to impress another woman.

3. You’ve stopped sharing emotions.

He’s no longer open with you about his feelings and seems cold. This emotional distance could indicate that his feelings are directed towards someone else and not you.

4. He acts more irritable and angry with you.

He gets easily upset and angry with you, more than before. It feels like he’s annoyed by your presence and is becoming increasingly intolerant.

5. He makes more excuses to go out and stay late.

He’s spending less time at home and makes excuses to go out often. His disinterest in being around you might suggest he’s finding solace somewhere else.

6. He no longer expresses an interest in your life.

He doesn’t ask about your day or show interest in your experiences anymore. There’s a general lack of curiosity about what’s happening in your life and what’s on your mind.

7. He compares you to other women.

He used to only have eyes for you, but now he’s often comparing you to other women. This comparison could stem from his dissatisfaction and suggest he has found someone he considers better.

8. He becomes defensive when you ask him questions.

Whenever you inquire about his plans, he becomes very defensive. It’s like he doesn’t want to answer because he fears getting caught in a lie.

9. Your instincts are telling you something is up.

Your gut feeling suggests something isn’t right. Sometimes, it’s important to listen to your instincts and intuition, as they are there to protect you from getting hurt.