Many of us might vaguely remember history lessons from school, often recollecting only snippets of what was taught. Though not everyone’s cup of tea, history harbors a treasure trove of fascinating artifacts that echo the lives of those before us.

This intriguing photograph showcases an object steeped in history, used by millions in the past, yet today, it might draw blank stares from many. This item, now obscure, holds tales of an era gone by.

If you haven’t guessed already, this object plays a role in a task as ancient as civilization itself—laundry. The methods of doing laundry have evolved greatly, moving from labor-intensive to the more automated processes we enjoy today.

Displayed in the image is a small device that revolutionized how people approached laundry. Traditionally, the task involved fetching water, heating it, then washing, rinsing, and wringing out clothes before hanging them to dry—a grueling sequence made slightly easier by innovations such as this.