A man is lying on the beach, wearing nothing but a cap over his crotch.

A woman passing by remarks,

“If you were any sort of a gentleman,

you would lift your hat to a lady.”

He replies, “If you were any sort of a hot lady,

the hat would lift by itself.”

Here are 10 more jokes for you:

  1. A man walks into a bar with a duck on his head. The bartender says, “Can I help you?” The duck replies, “Yeah, get this guy off my butt!”
  2. A woman notices a man in the park throwing bread to the ducks with his arms. She asks, “Why don’t you use your hands?” He replies, “I would, but then I’d have nothing to eat my sandwich with!”
  3. A man sits next to a woman on a bus, and he’s wearing a tuxedo. The woman says, “You look so formal, are you going to a wedding?” He replies, “No, just trying to bring some class to public transport.”
  4. At a fancy restaurant, a man notices a woman staring at his tie. He says, “Like what you see?” She replies, “Yes, but I’d like it more if it was on a different guy.”
  5. A man at a dance club wearing LED shoes is approached by a woman who asks, “Do your shoes light up when you dance?” He replies, “Only if my dance moves can’t light up the room by themselves.”
  6. At the gym, a woman points at a man’s water bottle and asks, “Is that your secret to staying fit?” He replies, “No, but it’s my secret to staying hydrated while I look for the real secret.”
  7. A woman sees a man at the library with a stack of cookbooks. She asks, “Trying to find a recipe for success?” He replies, “No, just a recipe that tastes like it.”
  8. In an elevator, a man in a superhero costume is asked by a woman, “Who are you supposed to be?” He replies, “A guy who’s trying to bring some excitement to your otherwise mundane ride.”
  9. At a coffee shop, a woman sees a man with a laptop covered in stickers. She asks, “Does your laptop run faster with all those stickers?” He replies, “No, but the conversation starts quicker.”
  10. On a cold day, a man wears a scarf inside a bar. A woman comments, “Planning to catch a cold?” He replies, “No, just catching looks.”