Flying often brings with it the thrill of vacations and new explorations. Yet, for some, the experience isn’t quite as joyful.

Sheila Frederick, an experienced flight attendant with Alaska Airlines for over 15 years, thought she had seen it all. But one particular flight from Seattle to San Francisco changed that perspective forever.

Sheila encountered an unsettling sight: a young, disheveled girl seated next to a well-dressed older man. The contrast in their appearances struck Sheila immediately. As she passed by them, the girl’s desperate gaze caught her attention, signaling a silent plea for help.

“This disparity in their attire was alarming. The man’s defensive behavior added to my suspicions,” explained Sheila.

Determined to act, Sheila tactically approached the situation. Despite the man’s hostile demeanor, the frightened girl remained mute.

“Something was unmistakably wrong. His overprotectiveness and her silence were red flags. I knew I needed to act swiftly to avert a potential disaster,” Sheila recounted.

Devising a quick plan, Sheila managed to communicate with the girl in private. The message she discovered written in the lavatory confirmed her fears: “I need help.”

Sheila immediately alerted the authorities. As soon as the plane landed, law enforcement was prepared and quickly apprehended the man.

Further investigation revealed the grim truth: the 14-year-old girl had been a victim of human trafficking, abducted only two months prior.

In response to incidents like these, retired flight attendant Nancy Rivard founded Airline Ambassadors International, an organization dedicated to training flight crew to detect and respond to human trafficking signs.

Following the incident, Sheila received specialized training from the organization, enhancing her ability to protect and save lives in her critical role up in the skies.